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Digital General Radiography


None for general x-ray.


No appointments needed for general x-ray. The exams are done on a walk-in basis.


Q. Are there any risks with x-ray?

A. There is always a slight risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the risk of damage from the x-rays is usually very low compared with the potential benefits of the test.

Q. Can I see my x-ray?

A. No, the technologist performs the exam and the radiologist reviews and send a report to you doctor. ( The technologist is not allowed to or question or interpret radiographs.

Q. When will my doctor get a report?

A. Usually within 2 days.

Q. Will the technician tell me if they see anything wrong?

A. Technicians are not allowed to diagnose x-rays. Our Radiologists have years of experience. They will read the x-rays and send a report to your doctor. If there is anything that requires immediate attention, the x-ray will be reviewed today and the referring doctor will be contacted immediately and you will be informed as to the best course of action.

Q. Will my doctor phone me?

A. Every doctor's office has a different procedure. We encourage you to contact your doctor before going in to for your appointment.

Q. Will the X-Ray affect my cell phone?

A. No, but we ask that patients turn off and do not use their cell phones while they are in our office

Q. What do I need to remove for the procedure?

A. Any jewellery around the affected areas. For example, earrings, necklaces, glasses and dentures for upper spines and belly button rings for lower spines. You must remove nylons, tensor bandages and splints unless otherwise advised by your doctor.

Q. Do I have to wear a gown?

A. We suggest you wear clothing that is easily removed as you may have to disrobe for the X-ray. Buttoned and heavily embroidered shirts will have to removed for chest and spine x-rays and you will be given a gown. Abdomen views, hips, femurs, knees will usually require a gown, unless you are wearing pull-on pants or sweats without any metal or buttons. There are item of clothing that are better than others, for example, we recommend shorts for knee x-rays.

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