Book Summary

      A lot of people know the David who killed Goliath and the Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt, but not as many people know the other (sinful) side of their stories. It was concerning and bothersome to me when I began to discover that so many people didn't know that even the most famous and faithful Bible heroes had their own "earth-shattering" incident(s) of sin; hence the birth of this book.

This book will expose the evidence of God's grace in the life of some of these heroes for us to witness that it was God's grace that called, saved, and forgave them, as opposed to any reality or even the notion that they didn't sin and/or make mistakes along their journey. Unlike many other Christian books that concentrate on these Bible heroes and their "glory" (good) side, this book does the opposite with the intended purpose of minimizing the "perfectionism" that has characterized them, and instead maximize the grace of God that made them who they were.

"Evidence of Grace" is a book where you'll discover that the Bible heroes weren't as perfect, sinless, and who always had things together as the Church often portrays them to be. This book brings into a modern setting, legends like King David and Moses, making it evidently clear that had they been alive today and were to commit some of the sins they did in ancient times, they would definitely be tagged with a criminal record and probably be spending the rest of their lives in prison. What's more, how does the Church relates to ancient Bible characters reliving themselves in present day believers? Hmmm!

In this book you'll understand why I make a distinction between falling and failing, as I myself have experienced a rock bottom sinful fall that led to my incarceration, of which I also describe in this book. You may fall (sin) on the journey of your Christianity, but don't fail (abandon) the journey and its ultimate destiny. Anyone living in doubt, fear, guilt, shame or the condemnation that they've messed up too much for God to ever love, forgive, or use them, will be convinced otherwise and know that God's love for them is stronger than life itself—that's why He gave His life as a witness/evidence of His grace that is ready, willing and able to help us all on our "Imperfect Journey to Perfection."

Statement of Faith

This website exists primarily to magnify the evidence of God's grace for all to see and know that it can and will forgive and save the worst of sinners; redeem and forgive any saint, and in righteous justice help and sustain us through the pitfalls of life's imperfect journey to perfection.

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