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What are the polls saying about Alberta Election 2015

NDP Majority or Hung Legislature? Are there any other factors?

All right what do the aggregate says of all these polls?

Just using Election Almanac Poll page on Alberta Elections 2015

We have

Province wide

AB Vote Alberta Wide n=1153 NDP 44% PCAA 20% WRP 19% Liberals 11% AB Party 6%

ROI n=557 NDP 38% PCAA 24% WRP 21% Liberals 10% AB PArty 4% ( ROI including undecided ndp 28% PCAA 18% WRP 15% Liberals 8% AP 3% others 2% und 26%)

Leger n=1014 NDP 38% PCAA 30% WRP 24% Liberals 6 AB PArty 1% OThers 1%

ThinkHQ n=2114 NDP 39% PCAA 20% WRP 27% Liberals 9% AB Party 4% other 1% (decided n=1501) undecided 13%

EKOS NDP 44.3% WRP 24.0% PCAA 22.5% Liberal 5.6% AB PArty 2.2% n=823

MainStreet n=3143 NDP 38% PCAA 18% WRP 23% Liberals 4% Alberta PArty 2% Undecided 14%

Forum n=1060 NDP 42% PCAA 21% WRP 24% Liberals 5% Alberta Party 5%


AB VOte Edmonton n=340 NDP 62% PCAA 14% WRP 12% Liberals 8% AB Party 4%

ROi n=178 Edmonton NDP 57% PCAA 19% WRP 11% Liberals 8% AB PArty 4%

Leger n=438 NDP 56% PC 21% WRP 16% Liberals 8% AB PArty 1%

ThinkHQ n=582 deciced voters NDP 56% PCaa 17% WRP 17% Liberals 8% undecided 11%

EKOS NDP 59% PCAA 19% WRP 18% Liberal 2% AB PArty 0%

Mainstreet n=1040 NDP 66% PC 14% WRP 7% Liberal 3% AB Party 1% undecided 7%

Forum n=306 NDP 55% PC 19% WRP 13% Liberals 7% AB Party 5%


AB Vote Calgary n=380 NDP 37% PCAA 24% WRP 20% Liberals 15% AB Party 6%

ROI n=184 NDP 28% PCAA 32 % WRP 24% Liberals 15% AB Party 3%

Leger n=448 NDP 30% PCAA 33% WRP 26% Liberals 9% AB Party 2%

ThinkHQ n=641 NDP 31% PCAA 23% WRP 28% Liberals 11% ABPArty 6% undecided 13%

EKOS NDP 41% PC 22% WRP 22% Liberals 9% AB Party 6%

Mainstreet n=1061 NDP 30% PCAA 21% WRP 22% Liberals 9% AB Party 4% undecided 14%

Forum n=323 NDP 37% PCAA 21% WRP 26% Liberals 6% Alberta Party 6%

Outside Edmonton and Calgary

AB Vote Outside Edm and Cgy n=433 NDP 37% PCAA 20% WRP 35% Liberals 11% AB Party 6%

ROI n=195 NDP 34% PCAA 22% WRP 28% Liberals 8% AB PArty 5%

Leger n=294 NDP 30% PCAA 34% WRP 28% Liberals 4% AB PArty 2%

Mainstreet n=1042 NDP 33% WRP 28% PCAA 18% Liberals 3% Alberta PArty 2% undecided 16%

EKOS NDP 36% WRP 31% PC 26% Liberals 5% AB PArty 1%

Interesting note on the EKOS/Corus/Global Poll preview week to voting

The poll showed Wildrose supporters were the most committed to their party, with Liberal and Alberta Party supporters the most likely to change their vote:

NDP supporters – 51 per cent have made up their mind, while 49 per cent could change their mind.

Wildrose supporters – 64 per cent have made up their mind, while 36 per cent could change their mind.

PC supporters – 54 per cent have made up their mind, while 46 per cent could change their mind.

Liberal supporters – 25 per cent have made up their mind, while 75 per cent could change their mind.

Alberta Party supporters – 31 per cent have made up their mind, while 70 per cent could change their mind.

EKOS itself reveals that based on Federal support

Liberal PArty of Canada supporters

NDP 47% Liberals 21% PC 19% Alberta PArty 8% Wildrose 4% HUH??!!

Conservative PArty of Canada supporters

PC 46% WRP 37% NDP 11% Liberals 3% Alberta PArty 3%

NDP federally in Alberta

NDP 86% WRP 8% PCAA 4% Liberal 1% Alberta PArty 1%

Federal Greens in Alberta

NDP 47% Green 27% Liberal 5% PCAA 2% Green 2%


Click 1 ab Vote for their poll.

Click ROI

Click Leger

Click ThinkHQ

EKOS/GLobal/Corus Click Global/Corus and Ekos report

May 4 Ekos MAy 4

Click MainStreet

Click Forum Research

Overall, the NDP are PERCEIVED to lead. The reality is that you choose to have a Liberal Majority, an NDP MAjority, a PC majority, a Wildrose MAjority or a minorty government. Get out and vote and MAke IT COUNT!!

Alberta Liberals on Arts and Culture in Election 2015

From Dr. David Swann

Yesterday in Red Deer I announced the most comprehensive arts and culture policy

of any party. 

Even in these most uncertain economic times support for Alberta's creative

community must continue. For every dollar invested in the arts, an estimated

$12 of economic activity is created. 

Alberta Liberals believe that arts and culture - museums and art galleries, book

publishing and live theatre, music and dance, film and television production -

are not a frill, but an essential part of living in this great province. We


- DOUBLE Alberta Foundation for the Arts funding from $26.5M to $53M

- Show leadership in fostering and sustaining First Nations' arts community -


Alberta Liberals on Senior's Issues in Election 2015

From Dr. David Swann

Yesterday in Lethbridge I released the Liberal plan to help seniors stay in

their homes, put money in their pockets, and keep them healthy and active.

Without access to quality home care and community supports many seniors turn to

hospital emergency rooms for treatment and end up staying in acute care beds

for extended periods of time.

The Liberal solution: Prevent hospitalizations and institutional care. Boost

funding for home care and community support initiatives by $75 million so more

seniors can live independently and stay in their own homes.




Hundreds of seniors are needlessly occupying acute care beds due to a lack of

long-term care spaces. This leads to substandard care for seniors and causes

delays in surgical, emergency and EMS wait times.

The solution: Alberta Liberals will invest $50 million to build and operate new

publicly funded and publicly delivered long-term care spaces.

The PCs eliminated the Education Property Tax Assistance Grant in 2013 -- a

program that once provided upwards of $20 million in tax relief to seniors.

The Liberal solution: Reinstate and increase the Education Property Tax

Assistance Grant to $25 million to put money back into the pockets of seniors.

Seniors need access to fitness facilities, but they are expensive. Many cannot

afford them.

Our solution: Alberta Liberals will invest $5 million in a seniors' fitness tax

credit to encourage seniors to be active and healthy.

Seniors have built this great province, and we are going to be there for them.

The Liberal plan will help couples stay together and receive the supports they

need to live their lives with dignity. When vulnerable seniors require

long-term care, our government has an obligation to provide high quality,

non-profit care. 

Many seniors cannot afford the taxes on their homes. Reinstating the Education

Property Tax Assistance Grant helps them pay the bills. Furthermore, the vast

majority of seniors live healthy, active lives, and a fitness tax credit will

help them continue to do just that.

Dr. David Swann on K-12 Education

Yesterday I announced a comprehensive K-12 education policy.

Our plan will build schools as community hubs, hire 1500 teachers and support

staff to reduce class sizes, and phase out schools fees to save parents money.

The problem: Alberta is a growing province with many young families living in

new suburbs; however, a severe shortage of new schools exists in these new


The solution is simple: build the schools as community hubs with the input of

school boards and local municipalities where the children live. School boards

in Alberta have their priority lists, and an Alberta Liberal government would

commit to building the schools on the lists. 

The problem: Due to chronic underfunding of schools by the PC government,

schools are often forced to charge parents excessive fees that run from $300 to

$1,000 a year, including transportation costs. This is, in effect, a tax on


The solution: With an Alberta Liberal government, school fees will be reduced

and eventually eliminated. The Alberta Liberals were the first party to demand

an end to school fees, and have repeatedly asked the PC government to ban

additional fees for almost a decade. The Alberta Liberals will invest $50

million this year to phase out school fees.

The problem: An additional 12,000 students are expected to enter Alberta's

school system this year. The Prentice government's budget calls for no new

teachers to be hired. The consequence of more students and no new teachers is

larger class sizes.

Solution: We would invest an extra $100 million to hire nearly 1500 teachers and

support staff to reduce class sizes. It is important not only to build new

schools, we must also staff them.

I believe that education is the best investment society can make, not a cost to

be cut. It's time to take the burden off families by increasing funding for

education in order to eliminate school fees.

The future of our province depends on supporting Alberta families and educating

our children.

There are seven days left in the election campaign.


The Centrist guide to Alberta Election 2015

You are a centrist like me and you despise both left and right , so you are anyone but PC, Wildrose and NDP all in one role. The Bad news is that some of the riding only have PC,WRP,NDP options. The good news is that there is a centrist option for you in many ridings. Let's get started!

Thank you Davebarta for the complete Alberta Election 2015 information

General Election 2015

Total Nominated Candidates

AP: Alberta Party 36/87

AF: Alberta First 1/87

COM: Communist Party 2/87

GRN: Green Party 29/87

LIB: Liberal 56/87

NDP: New Democratic Party 87/87

PC: Progressive Conservative 87/87

SC: Social Credit 6/87

WR: Wildrose 86/87

Provincial Constituencies


AP Jeremy Klug

IND Jeff Willerton

NDP Christopher Noble

PC Peter Brown

WR Angela Pitt

In Airdrie, go with the AP candidate Jeremy Klug

1 for AP


NDP Colin Piquette

PC Jeff Johnson

WR Travis Olson

In Athabasca Hold your nose and go with the NDP

AP 1 NDP 1


NDP Cam Westhead

PC Ron Casey

WR Scott Wagner

In Banff Hold your nose and go with the NDP

AP 1 NDP 2


NDP Tristan Turner

PC Maureen Kubinec

WR Glenn van Dijken

In Barrhead Hold your nose and go with the NDP

AP 1 NDP 3

Battle River-Wainwright

LIB Ron Williams

NDP Gordon Naylor

PC Blake Prior

WR Wes Taylor

In Battle River go with Ron Williams

LIB 1 AP 1 NDP 3

Bonnyville-Cold Lake

AP Rob Fox

NDP Josalyne Head

PC Craig Copeland

WR Scott Cyr

In Bonnyville go with Rob Fox AP

LIB 1 AP 2 NDP 3


LIB Nicholas Borovsky

NDP Brandy Payne

PC Jonathan Denis

WR Linda Carlson

In Calgary Acadia go with Nicholas Borovsky

LIB 2 AP 2 NDP 3


AP Jonathon Himann

GRN David Reid

LIB Matthew Gaiser

NDP Deborah Drever

PC Byron Nelson

WR Trevor Grover

In Calgary Bow , go with Matthew Gaiser

LIB 4 AP 2 NDP 3


GRN Sabrina Levac

NDP Kathleen Ganley

LIB David Khan

PC Terry Rock

WR Leah Wamboldt

In Calgary Buffalo, David Khan!

LIB 5 AP 2 NDP 3


GRN Peter Meic

LIB Manjot Singh Gill

IND Katherine LeRougetel

NDP Ricardo Miranda

PC Rick Hanson

WR Moiz Ullah Mahmood

In Calgary Cross -> Manjot Singh Gill

LIB 6 AP 2 NDP 3


AP Tony Norman

GRN Nelson Berlin

LIB Shelley Wark-Martyn

NDP Brian Malkinson

PC Christine Cusanelli

WR Terry DeVries

In Calgary Currie Shelley Wark-Martyn

LIB 7 AP 2 NDP 3


COM Bonnie Devine

LIB Naser Al-Kukhun

NDP Robyn Luff

PC Moe Amery

WR Ali Waissi

In Calgary East LIB Naser Al-Kukhun

LIB 8 AP 2 NDP 3


AP Greg Clark

LIB John Roggeveen

NDP Catherine Wellburn

PC Gordon Dirks

SC Larry Heather

WR Megan Brown

All right here is the surprise. Sorry my good firend John, but Greg Clark get the endorsement here.

LIB 8 AP 3 NDP 3

Calgary-Fish Creek

AP Allison Wemyss

NDP Jill Moreton

PC Richard Gotfried

SC Martin Owen

WR Blaine Maller

In Calgary Fish-Creek Allison Wemyss

LIB 8 AP 4 NDP 3


GRN Janet Keeping

LIB Ali Bin Zahid

NDP Anne Wilson

PC Jim Prentice

WR Keelan Frey

In Calgary-Foothills Ali Bin Zahid

LIB 9 AP 4 NDP 3


AP Vic Goosen

LIB Said Abdulbaki

NDP Joe Ceci

PC Andy Nguyen

WR Jeevan Mangat

In Calgary-Fort Said Abdulbaki

LIB 10 AP 4 NDP 3


AP Terry Lo

LIB David Waddington

NDP Anam Kazim

PC Linda Johnson

WR Chris Kemp-Jackson

In Calgary-Glenmore David Waddington

LIB 11 AP 4 NDP 3


NDP Don Monroe

PC Manmeet Bhullar

WR Devinder Toor

In Calgary-Greenway hold the nose and vote Don Monroe

LIB 11 AP 4 NDP 4


AP Beth Barberee

GRN Polly Knowlton Crockett

LIB Harbksh Singh Sekhon

NDP Michael Connolly [Twitter]

PC Jason Luan

SC Len Skowronski

WR Jae Shim

In Calgary-Hawkwood Harbksh Singh Sekhon

LIB 12 AP 4 NDP 4


GRN Graham MacKenzie

LIB Shawn Emran

NDP Carla Drader

PC Ric McIver

SC Zachary Doyle

WR Robert Mailloux

In Calgary Hays Shawn Emran

LIB 13 AP 4 NDP 4


GRN Noel Keough

LIB David Gamble

NDP Craig Coolahan

PC Kyle Fawcett

WR Jeremy Nixon

In Calgary Klein David Gamble

LIB 14 AP 4 NDP 4


LIB Leila Keith

NDP Mihai Ion

PC Dave Rodney

WR Mark Mantei

In Calgary Lougheed Leila Keith

LIB 14 AP 4 NDP 4

Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill

GRN Sandy Aberdeen

LIB Prab Lashar

NDP Karen McPherson

PC Neil Brown [Twitter]

WR Kathy Macdonald

In Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill Prab Lashar

LIB 15 AP 4 NDP 4


IND Afshan Kamran

IND Burhan Khan

LIB Avinash Khangura

NDP Irfan Sabir

PC Jagdeep Sahota

WR Happy Mann

In Calgary-McCall stay Liberal and vote Avinash Khangura

Lib 16 AP 4 NDP 4

Calgary-Mountain View

NDP Marc Chikinda

PC Mark Hlady

LIB David Swann

WR Terry Wong

In Calgary-Mountain View vote for the next premier of Alberta David Swann

Lib 17 AP 4 NDP 4

Calgary-North West

AP Christopher Blatch

LIB Neil Marion

NDP Karen Mills

PC Sandra Jansen

WR Jeff Callaway

In Calgary North West Neil Marion

Lib 18 AP 4 NDP 4

Calgary-Northern Hills

LIB Harry Lin

NDP Jamie Kleinsteuber

PC Teresa Woo-Paw

WR Prasad Panda

In Calgary-Northern Hills Harry Lin

Lib 19 AP 4 NDP 4


AP Evert Smith

LIB Alexander Barrow

NDP Graham Sucha

PC Jeff Wilson

WR Brad Leishman

In Calgary Shaw Alexander Barrow

Lib 20 AP 4 NDP 4

Calgary-South East

GRN Jordan Mac Isaac

LIB G. Gill

NDP Mirical Macdonald

PC Rick Fraser

WR Brandon Lunty

In Calgary South East G. Gill

Liberal 21 AP 4 NDP 4


AP Jeremy Mroch

GRN Carl Svoboda

LIB Pete Helfrich

NDP Stephanie McLean

PC Susan Billington

WR Sharon Polsky

In Calgary Varsity Pete Helfrich

Liberal 22 AP 4 NDP 4


NDP Miznur Rahman

PC Mike Ellis

WR Gerard Lucyshyn

In Calgary West Hold the nose and vote for Miznur Rahman

Liberal 22 AP 4 NDP 5


AP Del Bodnarek

NDP Aaron Haugen

PC Brian Brewin

WR Grant Hunter

For Cardston I recommend Del Bodnarek

Liberal 22 AP 5 NDP 5

Chestermere-Rocky View

GRN Coral Bliss Taylor

IND Matt Grant

IND Jamie Lall

NDP William Pelech

PC Bruce McAllister

WR Leela Aheer

For Chestermere go with Coral Bliss Taylor

Liberal 22 AP 5 NDP 5 GRN 1

Cypress-Medicine Hat

LIB Eric Musekamp

NDP Bev Waege

PC Bob Olson

WR Drew Barnes

For Cypress vote Eric Musekamp

Liberal 23 AP 5 NDP 5 GRN 1

Drayton Valley-Devon

AP Connie Jensen

GRN Jennifer Roach

NDP Katherine Swampy

PC Diana McQueen

WR Mark Smith

For Drayton I recommend Connie JEnsen

Liberal 23 AP 6 NDP 5 GRN 1


PC Jack Hayden

NDP Emily Shannon

WR Rick Strankman

In Drumheller, hold the nose and vote Emily Shannon

Liberal 23 AP 6 NDP 6 GRN 1

Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley

NDP Marg McCuaig Boyd

PC Rhonda Clarke-Gauthier

WR Kelly Hudson

In Dunvegan, hold the nose and vote Marg McCuaig Boyd

Liberal 23 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


AP Owais Siddiqui

LIB Tomi Yellowface

NDP Deron Bilous

PC Tony Caterina

WR Stephanie Diacon

In Beverley I recommend Tomi Yellowface

Liberal 24 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Amit Batra

NDP David Eggen

PC Thomas Bradley

WR Andrew Altimas

In Calder I recommend Amit Batra

Liberal 25 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1

Edmonton-Castle Downs

LIB Todd Ross

NDP Nicole Goehring

PC Thomas Lukaszuk [Twitter]

WR Gerrit Roosenboom

In Castle Downs I recommend Todd Ross

Liberal 26 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB/AP/GRN Laurie Blakeman

IND Greg Keating

IND Rory Joe Koopmans

NDP David Shepherd

PC Catherine Keill

WR Joe Byram

In Edmonton Centre without a doubt, Laurie Blakeman

Liberal 27 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


GRN Trey Capnerhurst

LIB Bradley Whalen

NDP Chris Nielsen

PC Janice Sarich

WR Dean Miller

In Decore I recommend Bradley Whalen

Liberal 28 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Mike McGowan

NDP Rod Loyola [Facebook, Twitter]

PC Harman Kandola [Twitter]

WR Jackie Lovely

In Ellersie I recommend Mike McGowan

Liberal 29 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


AP Chris Vilcsak

GRN David Parker

LIB Karen Sevcik

NDP Sarah Hoffman

PC Heather Klimchuk

WR Don Koziak

In Glenora I recommend Karen Sevcik

Liberal 30 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1

Edmonton-Gold Bar

AP Cristina Stasia

LIB Ronald Brochu

NDP Marlin Schmidt

PC David Dorward

WR Justin James

In Gold Bar I recommend Ronald Brochu

Liberal 31 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Matthew Smith

NDP Brian Mason

PC Jonathan Dai

WR Joshua Loeppky

In Highlands Norwood I recommend Matthew Smith

Liberal 32 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Adam Mounzer

NDP Heather Sweet

PC Gurcharn Garcha

WR Atiq Rehman

In Edm Manning Provincial I recommend Adam Mounzer

Liberal 33 AP 6 NDP 7 GRN 1


AP John Hudson

NDP Lorne Dach

PC David Xiao

WR Steve Thompson

In McClung I recommend John Hudson

Liberal 33 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Dan Bildhauer

NDP Jon Carson

PC Katherine O’Neill

WR Amber Maze

In Meadowlark Dan Bildhauer

Liberal 34 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1

Edmonton-Mill Creek

LIB Harpreet Singh Gill

NDP Denise Wollard

PC Gene Zwozdesky

WR Saqib Raja

In Mill Creek I recommend Harpreet Singh Gill

Liberal 35 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1

Edmonton-Mill Woods

COM Naomi Rankin

IND Aura Leddy

NDP Christina Gray

LIB Roberto Maglalang

PC Sohail Quadri

WR Baljit Sal

In Millwoods I recommend Roberto Maglalang

Liberal 36 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1


AP Brandon Beringer

GRN Sandra Wolf Lange

IND Glenn Miller

LIB Donna Wilson

NDP Lori Sigurdson

PC Steve Young

WR Ian Crawford

In Riverview I recommend Donna Wilson

Liberal 37 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Michael Chan

NDP Richard Feehan

PC Chris Labossiere

WR Josef Pisa

I recommend Michael Chan

Liberal 38 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1

Edmonton-South West

AP Krishna Tailor

LIB Rudy Arcilla

NDP Thomas Dang

PC Matt Jeneroux

WR Cole Kander

I recommend Rudy Arcilla

Liberal 38 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1


LIB Steve Kochan

NDP Rachel Notley

PC Shelley Wegner

In this 3 way race, I recommend Steve Kochan

Liberal 39 AP 7 NDP 7 GRN 1


GRN Kathryn Jackson

IND John Baloun

LIB Steven Townsend

NDP Bob Turner

PC Stephen Mandel

WR Chad Peters

In Whitemud I recommend Steven Townsend

Liberal 39 AP 7(8) NDP 7 GRN 1(2)

Fort McMurray-Conklin

LIB Melinda Hollis

NDP Ariana Mancini [Twitter]

PC Don Scott [Twitter]

WR Brian Jean [Twitter]

In Conklin Kill the giant with Melinda Hollis

Liberal 39 AP 7(8) NDP 7 GRN 1(2)

Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo

LIB Robin Lefevre

NDP Steve Drover

PC Mike Allen

WR Tany Yao

In Wood Buffalo I recommend Robin Lefevre

Liberal 40 AP 7(8) NDP 7 GRN 1(2)

Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville

AP Derek Christensen

GRN Allison Anderson

LIB Peter Schneider

NDP Jessica Littlewood

PC Jacquie Fenske

WR Joe Gosselin

In Fort Sask, I recommend Peter Schneider

Liberal 41 AP 7(8) NDP 7 GRN 1(2)

Grande Prairie-Smoky

LIB Kevin McLean

NDP Todd Russell [Twitter]

PC Everett McDonald

WR Todd Loewen

I recommend Kevin McLean

Liberal 42 AP 7(8) NDP 7 GRN 1(2)

Grande Prairie-Wapiti

AP Rory Tarant

NDP Mary Dahr

PC Wayne Drysdale

WR Laila Goodridge

In GPW I recommend Rory Tarant

Liberal 42 AP 8(9) NDP 7 GRN 1(2)


AP Joel Windsor

GRN Martin Blake

NDP Leslie Mahoney

PC Carrie Fischer

SC Jeremy Fraser

WR Wayne Anderson

In Highwood Martin Blake

Liberal 42 AP 8(9) NDP 7 GRN 2(3)

Innisfail-Sylvan Lake

AP Danielle Klooster

NDP Patricia Norman

PC Kerry Towle [Twitter]

WR Donald MacIntyre

In Innisfail , Danielle Kloooster

Liberal 42 AP 9(10) NDP 7 GRN 2(3)

Lac La Biche-St. Paul-Two Hills

GRN Brian Deheer

NDP Catherine Harder

PC Darrell Younghans [Twitter]

WR Dave Hanson

In LLB, Brian Deheer

Liberal 42 AP 9(10) NDP 7 GRN 3(4)


AP Tony Jeglum [Twitter]

NDP Doug Hart [Twitter]

PC Peter Dewit

WR Ron Orr

In Lacombe, Tony Jeglum

Liberal 42 AP 10(11) NDP 7 GRN 3(4)


AP Bert Hoogewoonink

GRN Josh Drozda

NDP Shayne Anderson

PC George Rogers

WR Sharon Smith

In Leduc, I recommend Josh Drozda as Josh showed up for Rock The Vote

Liberal 42 AP 10(11) NDP 7 GRN 4(5)

Lesser Slave Lake

NDP Danielle Larivee [Facebook, Twitter]

PC Pearl Calahasen

WR Darryl Boisson

Here, Hold he nose and vote Danielle Larivee

Liberal 42 AP 10(11) NDP 8 GRN 4(5)


LIB William West

NDP Maria Fitzpatrick

PC Tammy Perlich

WR Kent Prestage

I recommend William West

Liberal 43 AP 10(11) NDP 8 GRN 4(5)


LIB Sheila Pyne

NDP Shannon Phillips

PC Greg Weadick

WR Ron Bain

I recommend Sheila Pyne

Liberal 44 AP 10(11) NDP 8 GRN 4(5)

Little Bow

LIB Helen McMenamin

NDP Bev Muendel-Atherstone

PC Ian Donovan

SC Caleb Van Der Weide

WR Dave Schneider

I recommend Helen McMenamin

Liberal 45 AP 10(11) NDP 8 GRN 4(5)


NDP Aileen Burke

PC Evan Berger

WR Pat Stier

Hold he nose and vote for Aileen Burke

Liberal 45 AP 10(11) NDP 9 GRN 4(5)

Medicine Hat

AP Jim Black

IND Dave Robon Hood Phillips

NDP Bob Wanner

PC Blake Pedersen

WR Val Olson

in the Hat I recommend Jim Black

Liberal 45 AP 11(12) NDP 9 GRN 4(5)

Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills

AP Jim Adamchick

NDP Glenn Norman

PC Wade Bearchell

WR Nathan Cooper

I recommend Jim Adamchick

Liberal 45 AP 12(13) NDP 9 GRN 4(5)

Peace River

AP Sherry Hilton

NDP Debbie Jabbour

PC Frank Oberle

WR Nathan Steinke

I recommend Sherry Hilton

Liberal 45 AP 13(14) NDP 9 GRN 4(5)

Red Deer-North

AP Krystal Kromm

LIB/GRN Michael Dawe

NDP Kim Schreiner

PC Christine Moore

WR Buck Buchanan

I recommend Michael Dawe

Liberal 46 AP 13(14) NDP 9 GRN 4(6)

Red Deer-South

AP Serge Gingras

GRN Ben Dubois

LIB Deborah Checkel

IND Patti Argent

IND William Berry

NDP Barb Miller

PC Darcy Mykytyshyn

WR Norman Wiebe

I recommend Deborah Checkel

Liberal 47 AP 13(14) NDP 9 GRN 4(6)

Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre

IND Joe Anglin

NDP Hannah Schlamp

PC Tammy Cote [Facebook]

WR Jason Nixon [Twitter]

I recommend holding the nose and vote Hannah Schlamp

Liberal 47 AP 13(14) NDP 10 GRN 4(6)

Sherwood Park

NDP Annie McKitrick

PC Cathy Olesen

WR Linda Osinchuk

Hold the nose and vote Annie McKitrick

Liberal 47 AP 13(14) NDP 11 GRN 4(6)

Spruce Grove-St. Albert

AP Gary Hanna

GRN Brendon Greene

LIB Reg Lukasik

NDP Trevor Horne

PC Rus Matichuk

WR Jaye Walter

I recommend Reg Lukasik

Liberal 48 AP 13(14) NDP 11 GRN 4(6)

St. Albert

AP Trevor Love

LIB Bill Alton

NDP Marie Renaud

PC Stephen Khan

WR Shelley Biermanski

I recommend Bill Alton

Liberal 49 AP 13(14) NDP 11 GRN 4(6)

Stony Plain

AP Sandy Simmie

GRN Matt Burnett

LIB Mike Hanlon

NDP Erin Babcock

PC Ken Lemke

WR Kathy Rondeau

I recommend Mike Hanlon

Liberal 50 AP 13(14) NDP 11 GRN 4(6)

Strathcona-Sherwood Park

AP Lynne Kaiser

NDP Estefania Cortes-Vargas

PC Dave Quest

WR Rob Johnson

I recommend Lynne Kaiser

Liberal 50 AP 14(15) NDP 11 GRN 4(6)


AF Glen Dundas

AP Einar Davison

GRN Mike Worthington

LIB Ali Abdulbaki

NDP Lynn MacWilliam

PC Molly Douglass

WR Derek Fildebrandt

I recommend Ali Abdulbaki

Liberal 51 AP 14(15) NDP 11 GRN 4(6)


NDP Saba Mossagizi

PC Richard Starke

WR Danny Hozack

Hold the nose and vote Saba Mossagizi

Liberal 51 AP 14(15) NDP 12 GRN 4(6)

West Yellowhead

NDP Eric Rosendahl

PC Robin Campbell

WR Stuart Taylor

Hold the Nose and vote NDP Eric Rosendahl

Liberal 51 AP 14(15) NDP 13 GRN 4(6)


NDP Bruce Hinkley

PC Verlyn Olson

WR Bill Rock

Hold the Nose and Vote Bruce Hinkley

Liberal 51 AP 14(15) NDP 14 GRN 4(6)

Whitecourt-Ste. Anne

NDP Oneil Carlier

PC George VanderBurg

WR John Bos

Hold the Nose and vote Oneil Carlier

Liberal 51 AP 14(15) NDP 15 GRN 4(6)

Did I miss count?

Point is the Centrist vote need not park their vote with the left or right and can win big.

You need to Liberal on 5 MAy 2015

Where possible.

From Dr. David Swann

During Thursday night's leader's debate it was clear that only the Alberta

Liberals can offer Albertans the trustworthiness, substance and balance they

deserve. We are the strong centrist alternative this province needs. I was

proud to articulate this fact over the course of the debate and in my closing

remarks as follows:

"Elections are about choices. The choice shouldn't be just parties on the far

left or the far right. 

The choice shouldn't be a governing party that has become cynical, complacent

and too often corrupt. 

The choice is about trust!

Our plan is specifically designed for you and your family. 

We will protect jobs, educate our children, care for our sick and elderly and

build our cities and towns.

Alberta Liberals are not beholden to any special interest- just your interests.

The Alberta Liberal Party is the pragmatic and progressive alternative to this

regressive conservative government.

Alberta Liberals have always been there for you and we always will be." 

We can hold this government to account. Liberal MLAs have a strong track record

of bringing forward progressive legislation to improve the quality of life of

all Albertans.

end of Doctor Swann comments. If you want to look to the future vote Alberta Liberal.

What ever happened to ?

Just found a song that I recall singing some years ago:

Mighty Warrior

And it goes

Mighty warrior

Dressed for battle

Holy Lord of all is He

Commander in chief

Bring us to attention

Lead us into battle

To crush the enemy

Satan has no authority

Here in this place

He has no authority here

For this habitation

Was fashioned for

The Lord’s presence

No authority here

Mighty warrior

Dressed for battle

Holy Lord of all is He

Commander in chief

Bring us to attention

Lead us into battle

To crush the enemy

Jesus has all authority

Here in this place

He has all authority here

For this habitation

Was fashioned for

The Lord’s presence

All authority here

Mighty warrior

Dressed for battle

Holy Lord of all is He

Commander in chief

Bring us to attention

Lead us into battle

To crush the enemy

Mighty warrior

We should never give Satanic, demonic or occultic force any toe hold in our lie!

Do you want to be categorised in a New World Order ?

Revelation 13

13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Welcome to the future, the last Great Godless regime on Earth, where those who accept this brutal dictator will be chipped and condemned for eternity! Yes, this is a personal computer chip that we speak about that will eternally separate you from God

and lead you eternal Damnation! Be forewarned!! This is why I would never chip my pets. Such a chip is already causing pets and livestock to behave erratically. Get with the Times? The Times are getting more and more evil as each day passes.

The next part deals with personal Salvation for Eternal Life!

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That is only way!

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

John 10:28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 3:16 -17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

If you want eternal salvation just pray:

Lord Jesus I am Sinner who wants to turns from my evil ways; Lord Jesus I ask you to give me eternal life;

Lord Jesus I want to come home knowing that my Salvation is assured in your hands and that my Name is in the book of Life.

Popular or Right?

Matthew 16:26

26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Fame, fortune and popularity: Is it worth it?

I prefer to Right with God than to be Popular with man. The pressures of popularity and keeping up with the Joneses are simply not worth it!

I still recall a somewhat personal corrupt period when I was saying the right things, but was it really the way some 30 years ago.

No, it was baseless!! Just saying something to be with the 'in' crowd costs you principle in the long run.

The next part deals with personal Salvation for Eternal Life!

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That is only way!

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

John 10:28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 3:16 -17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

If you want eternal salvation just pray:

Lord Jesus I am Sinner who wants to turns from my evil ways; Lord Jesus I ask you to give me eternal life;

Lord Jesus I want to come home knowing that my Salvation is assured in your hands and that my Name is in the book of Life.

Get out of the Church of Thyatira

Revelations 2

18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;

19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.

20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

28 And I will give him the morning star.

29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Even thought this was written for a specific Church in 1st Century A.D., This is a prophecy of paganism married Christianity and corrupting Christianity which lead to the Dark Ages of 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.

And today this abomination still carries on. What is this abomination? The Counterfeit Church of Satan GUISED as Christianity.

The anything goes church - the Church that does not get you to repent of false deities, witchcraft, lying, infidelity, demons, generational curses, dishonour your parents, et al.

This is the Church that perverts the Holy Bible! Come out her my people is the Cry of God . No way can deiceivers lead people to Christ, like the Blind following the blind.

Those 'believers' who kill true followers of Christ will have their reward coming, but come of out this Evil Counterfeit and Seek the Truth!

And 'Church' that has you worshiping other gods with God is a False Church of Thyatira.

Critical Thought is needed!

The next part deals with personal Salvation for Eternal Life!

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That is only way!

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

John 10:28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 3:16 -17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

If you want eternal salvation just pray:

Lord Jesus I am Sinner who wants to turns from my evil ways; Lord Jesus I ask you to give me eternal life;

Lord Jesus I want to come home knowing that my Salvation is assured in your hands and that my Name is in the book of Life.


So what is corruption?

Let me offer a definition for you as follows:

Sin is disobedience to God ; Corruption is the Multiplicity of sin!

Let's tip the iceberg on this:

The 10 commandments:

Exodus 20 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

20 And God spake all these words, saying, 2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

13 Thou shalt not kill.

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15 Thou shalt not steal.

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

Clearly verse 1-6 says worship God alone, not the Saints, not the angels, not any other human or animal. Witchcraft and worshiping other deities is STRICTLY forbidden. Satan is very deceiving. He wants you to rebel and turn away from God's goodness and purity. Only worship God the Father, Jesus his Son and let the Holy Spirit Guide you and his mercies shall be given for generations to come.

Verse 7 basically says never swear i.e. do not be profane.

Verse 8 to 11 calls for a day of rest! works 6 days and go worship on the 7th.

Verse 12 Honour your parents / family.

Verse 13 Do not kill or murder.

Verse 14 Do not commit adultery - A big one! Today the adultery industry - pornography , pseudoerotica, disregard for purity / immoral sexuality , infidelity is causing no end of grief.

Verse 15 - Do not steal

Verse 16 - No lying! If you really want to be an Honest - Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Verse 17 - Do not envy what others have

You ask what does this have to do with corruption? I say everything. EVERYTHING!!

Because of the decedent amoral path that we as a society has taking , corruption grows and we are losing focus.

Think about it! From your household to your neighbour to your national government, do you accept the lies, the dishonesty,

the distrust , the ill-feelings that are growing? This is corruption!!

The only way to turn from corruption is to repent of it, to turn away from it!

The next part deals with personal Salvation for Eternal Life!

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That is only way!

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

John 10:28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 3:16 -17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

If you want eternal salvation just pray:

Lord Jesus I am Sinner who wants to turns from my evil ways; Lord Jesus I ask you to give me eternal life;

Lord Jesus I want to come home knowing that my Salvation is assured in your hands and that my Name is in the book of Life.

Day of the Doctor review with spoilers



Moffat ups and kick RTD so hard that RTD looks out of it!

This is superb!!

Loved the War Doctor!

I was expecting at the start the Doctor and Clara to walk out of

Trazelore and TARDIS off! Still needs to be explain!

All right who brought the Doctor in? The zygons or U.N.I.T?

Don't jump all at once.

So the Queen does a number on the Zygons. Not even the Spanish

could live that down.

Next the time cube or capturing time for either an invasion

or a back door.

Now SM is very clever on this one!

Most emotional scenes are without doubt the war displaced.

Even the consciousness as Rose works for me.

The Doctor getting a Zygon / human resolution by cleverness

works for me.

BTW the Zygons were in Scotland; was a second invasion force laying

dormant in England.

The final resolution, the last day of the time war.

3 of the later Doctors come to a resolution that goes without regret

and rewrite their own history.

Who loves it who hates it?

The Doctors manage to save Gallifrey somehow

and destroy a significant amount of Daleks.

End game to the Daleks, but will they return?

The painting Gallifrey falls no more.

I wonder if Tom Baker did ask for that!

So the new Doctor is headed for home.

Will this be that part of the trilogy or rather thrillogy?

FRom Smith to Capaldi

Matt Smith only got a press announcement. Peter Capaldi got a major announcement. Has Internet based communication has changed the way these announcements are made?

For more information on Matt Smith

For More information on Peter Capaldi