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The Long Hot Summer

Predictions for the upcoming summer are hot and dry! Here are a few pointers to keep in mind to keep your pets comfortable:

  1. Never leave your pet in the car unless you have prepared for the trip, even if it is only 10 minutes. Pets are not able to sweat like people so extra precautions need to be taken. Leaving your windows open a little can help, but on those really hot days the temperature in the car can soar so rapidly that your dog or cat can have a severe heat stroke which can be fatal. Bring along some iced bottled water so a cool drink can help regulate body temperature - also a good idea for those long walks .
  2. Slap! Annoying insects, like mosquitoes and wasps, can be bothersome to people and pets. There are insect repellants available such as Tomlyn's Daily protection, which is also good for fleas and ticks, and Mela Conditioning Spray, a natural repellant. Some shampoos offer a insect repelling ingredients, citronella, cedar, pennyroyal and comfrey. Look for these in Groomer's Edge Aromatic Shampoo and Pet Organic's Kleen Pet Herbal Shampoo (also available in an herbal collar). If your pet does manage to get a few bites, there are some remedies that will sooth the pain and itching, again in a shampoo or spray form, most of them containing tea tree oil, like Groomer's Edge OatMella Shampoo, combining oatmeal and mellaleuca.
  3. All pets require shade outside. An easy way to provide shade for them is to have a Dogloo Pet Home handy. These nitrogen insulated houses are cooler in summer and warmer in winter, easy to move around the yard, easy to clean, and there are no tempting crevices for insects to set up camp. Check out the sale on these houses at Paws & Claws - they are at a record low price!
  4. Be extra careful if you have those breeds of animals that are more prone to heat stroke than others. These are breeds such as Bulldogs, Boxers, Pugs, and any dog that has those cute snub noses, as they have a harder time breathing to lower their body temperature. Of course the breeds that have heavy coats like Newfoundlands, Great Pyrenees, or Malamutes get pretty hot too. Don't be surprised if on your next trip to the lake, you can't get them out of the water!

What People Are Saying About Our Recent ANF Promotion " I couldn't believe I only had to feed my lab 2 cups a day!"

" My cat actually stopped throwing up. She sheds a lot less so there isn't any hairballs to barf up."

" Kali , my Rottweiler, has the shiniest, softest coat of any dog down at the park. I've had several compliments about it and I always tell them to try ANF - it works."

" I have a working border collie and I've noticed a real difference with the Performance formula. She can actually keep her weight on and keep working all day long."

" This is the only food my cat will eat now. She loves it!"

Hikari Fish Foods

Do you feed your fish flake food?
Why not try something that will improve their health and colour? Hikari Fish Foods are a super premium floating pellet food. This means that nothing is going to sink to the bottom and rot or cloud the water. The first ingredient in most of Hikari's formulas is white fish meal, a very nutritious and digestible protein source. There are many diets available for all the different kinds of fish, from goldfish to cichlids, tropical to carnivores, bettas to plecostamus. There is even a specialty turtle food that cuts down on their odour. Check out this innovative food at any Paws & Claws.

Summer Vacations

When the time comes to take a few days off, and you are wondering where you can take your pet you may consider a boarding kennel, a pet sitter, or a pet daycare. A boarding kennel usually offers dog runs for each dog so he can get outside for some exercise, and then he is kenneled at night. A pet sitter is someone who is licensed and bonded to come into your home to feed and walk your pet. They may also have the option of staying in your home while you are away. A pet daycare is just that - the pet must be taken home at night. This is convenient if you have friends taking care of the pet but are unable to do daytime duties. The following is a few suggestions, but always check out the potential caregiver first so you get the most suitable option for your pet. Dog

Cat Daycare Petsitter

Edmonton Off Leash Areas

Did you know there are 42 designated off leash areas in Edmonton? For a brochure of the complete list and rules call Paws for Parks at 496 - 1475. Here is a list of the larger multi-use areas:
  1. North of Laurier Park / Beuna Vista Drive, south of Melton Ravine (approx 88 Ave)
  2. Dawson Park. Granular trail on south side of Dawson Bridge - Capilano Bridge
  3. Whitemud - Hawrelak Park Hiking Trail. Whitemud Park to footbridge
  4. Riverside Hiking Trail. From Low Level Bridge- east end of Riverside Golf Course
  5. Mill Creek Ravine. 68 Ave/93 St.(west side of Argyll Park) along ravine bottom to Whyte Ave


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