FM data for OPPs'ers


Bf109E compared to Hurricanes & Spitfires

T.A.S. at Alt's of various Spit Mks

T.A.S. at alt of various allied fighters

Time and Speed to Alts of Spit Va & Vb

Spit Vb vs. FW190 trials

Time & speed to climb of Spit IX and flight trial pt I

Spit IX flight trial pt II

Spit IX vs FW190 trials

Spit XIV flight trials pt I

Spit XIV flight trials pt II

Spit XIV flight trials pt III


Information sources: Spitfire at War, Alfred Price, 1974; The Spitfire Story, Alfred Price, 1982; Birth of a Legend The Spitfire, Jeffrey Quill, 1986. These 3 books have excellent material