Faith Lessons on the Promised Land

February 4, 2006

Video presentations by: Ray VanderLaan
Introduction by: Jack deHaas

Here is a brief description of the video series, provided by Focus on the Family:

Filmed on location in Israel by Focus on the Family Films, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals keen insights into Scripture's significance for modern believers.

Part of a series previously published as "That the World May Know", Faith Lessons on the Promised Land focuses on how God put his mark on a people and their land - a mark that he has extended through ancient Israel to the faithful today.

Wet Feet (The Jordan River): The same faith that caused Israel to safely cross the Jordan at its flood stage releases his power in our lives today when we commit our lives to him in total trust.

First Fruits (Tel Jericho): As Jericho was God's first gift to the Jews in the land of Israel, we are to devote to him our "first fruits" - the possessions and talents he has given each of us.