
Father-Daughter Relationships

May 4, 2002

"He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers." Malachi 4:6

Video presentation: A Father and His Daughter (Norm Wakefield)

Here is the outline for the video, as downloaded from Elijah Ministries.

A Father and His Daughter

  • Godly womanhood is under attack.
    1. Every father faces a tremendous challenge in raising a daughter to embrace her feminity, godly standards of dress and conduct, rejoice in God's design for her as a woman, and instill hope that she can trust God for a husband who won't use her.
    2. Women are the prime targets today.
    3. What's a father to do with his daughter?
    4. Daughters.look to their father for acceptance, approval, and affirmation of their womanhood.
    5. It is our God-given privilege and responsibility to affirm our daughters in godly womanhood and prepare them to be godly wives and mothers.
  • Nine Ways to Affirm Godly Womanhood
    1. Give daily expression of non-sexual love and affection for your wife first and then your daughter.
    2. Provide an example of servanthood and protection to your wife and daughters.
    3. Lead your daughter to accept and rejoice in God's design and see every aspect of her life as a gift to produce humility and to build a dependence upon Jesus Christ.
    4. Daily demonstrate a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
    5. Admit your faults and mistakes through confession in order to destroy the "daddy-god idol."
    6. Lead your daughter away from yourself to find her identity in her relationship as a daughter of God through Jesus Christ.
    7. Give regular expression of confidence in her abilities during those crucial years of 10-18.
    8. Give her a vision of a godly woman through directing her attention toward her mother's example rather than women in the world.
    9. Don't put your daughter in a situation or relationship where you know her womanhood will be mocked and abused.
  • When a daughter is affirmed in godly womanhood she is free to rejoice in God's design and order for her at home and in society.
    1. Her affirmation will free her from the need to have the attention from other men.
    2. Her significance as a daughter of God will free her from having to prove her significance as a woman equal with men.
    3. Her security as a daughter of God frees her to love her husband and children with a quiet, trustful spirit.
  • Application
    1. As fathers, we have the responsibility and the privilege of blessing our daughters by affirming them in their godly womanhood. God has given us such authority, that every word we speak and action bears power to bless and prepare them to be a blessing to another man, to her children, and to her world.
    2. Do you need to repent of neglecting your daughters and take steps of action to affirm godly womanhood in their lives?
    3. As we humble ourselves before God, submit ourselves to His word and vision for manhood and fatherhood, He will do in us what we cannot do.